홈 > 찬양연습 > 할렐루야찬양대


  • 20160417_하나되어(김기영곡)_30집p.225
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  • 20160410_너희는 마음 다하여(Joseph M. Martin)_(클리어파일3번)
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  • 20160403_주께 찬양할 때에(Don Besig)_30집p.74
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  • 2014성탄절_온세상기뻐하여라
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  • 2014성탄절_복된이름
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  • 2014성탄절_사랑의 왕
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  • 20160207_면류관 벗어서(Joel Raney)
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  • 20160131_내 소망 되신 주님(안소망 역)_30집p.106
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  • 20160124_오직 주님만을 찬양하네(진선미 곡)_30집p.284
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  • 20160117_주 안에 있는 나에게(양재훈 편)_30집p.242
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  • 20160110_시온의 영광이 빛나는 아침(최기욱 곡)_2013악보p.58
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  • 20160103_주의 축복 내려주소서(진선미 곡)_2013연주회책p.39
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  • 20170108_주의 축복 내려주소서(진선미 곡)_2013연주회책p.39
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  • 20151231(송구영신)_주 이름으로 승리하리(홍지열)_2013악보-2복사본
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  • 20151227_주 앞에 나가길 원합니다(김은국)_2013악보-2p.75
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