홈 > 찬양연습 > 할렐루야찬양대


  • 20181231(송구영신)_하나님의 은혜(이영수 편)
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  • 20100000_하나님의 은혜(신상우)
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  • 20190000_나 주의 것(홍지열)
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  • 20190000_기쁘다 구주오셨네 할렐루야!(Mark Hayes)
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  • 20181216_아기 예수께 경배하세(홍지열)
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  • 20181209_오 거룩한 밤(Adolphe Adam)
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  • 20181202_오 예수(민찬미)
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  • [2018성탄절칸타타]_7. 할렐루야(G. F. Handel)
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  • [2018성탄절칸타타]_6. 주께 영광(G. F. Handel)
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  • [2018성탄절칸타타]_4. 우리를 위해 나셨다(G. F. Handel)
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  • [2018성탄절칸타타]_2.주의 영광(G. F. Gandel)
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  • 20181223_주의 영광(G. F. Gandel)
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  • 20181028(헌신예배특별찬양)_하나님 아버지의 마음(홍지열 편)_지휘자&반주자&총무
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  • 20181125_기뻐하며 경배하세(arr. Molly Ijames )
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  • 20181111_주 의지하라(James and Andrea Barnard)
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